BSI President Speaks on the Role of Renewables in Canada’s Energy Future
Boston Strategies International’s President Mr. David Jacoby spoke on the Comparative Economics of Combined Cycle, Solar, Wind, Hydro, and Geothermal Power at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business (HSB) in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on October 19,...
Trump Administration – What is the Current US Trade Policy?
The Trump administration’s trade policy is anything but Republican. From a conventional economic perspective it would seem isolationist and protectionist. Its coherence could lie in its support of superordinate political goals, such taming or reversing immigration...
A Single Cyber Attack can Cause up to over $60b Loss for the US Economy
Attacks on control systems for critical infrastructure have risen by more than 250% over the past four years in the US, as web linked communication systems have proliferated and nation-states seeking geo-political and economic supremacy added to the incidence of...
BSI Shares Market Outlook for Solar PV
Boston Strategies International’s President Mr. David Jacoby Shared BSI’s Analysis of the Solar PV Market at the SNEC Conference in Shanghai, China on April 17-21, 2017. The SNEC Scientific Conference provided an excellent platform for the world's...
Distributed Generation’s Role in Colombia’s Future
Drought, electricity rationing, and increasing reliance on dirty thermal power are adding to the woes of the Colombian power sector. El Niño has caused drought and high temperatures across northern and western Colombia since early 2015. Much more potent than usual,...
BSI wins contract with Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC)
Boston Strategies International (BSI) has been engaged by a branch of the Mexican government – the Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change) - to study renewable energy costs and value chains. BSI will compare...
Global Consequences of Brexit for Generations to Come
Decisiveness is usually a good thing in matters of economic policy. Markets depend on stability, and growth depends on markets, ergo growth depends on stability. Central bankers send signals long in advance of changes in interest rates to give markets and businesses...
Impact of Energy Prices on Global Supply Chain Design
Boston Strategies International’s President, David Jacoby delivered the results of BSI’s recent study “Impact of Energy Prices on Logistics & Global Supply Chains” at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exhibition (NESCON) in Boston. NESCON is produced by...
Next Generation Supply Chains: Huge Window of Opportunity for O&G Suppliers that Create Disruptive Decreases in Cost
The oil and gas equipment supply industry has been hit hard in recent years. While nominal prices increased by 17% between 2007 and 2015, gross profit margins have fallen by 22%, from +15% in 2007 to -7% this year. Margins grew in 2015 for the first time in six years,...
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