by David Steven Jacoby | Jun 1, 2018 | Business, Trade
The United States has not lost international economic power because of China. Or Germany, or Mexico, or Turkey, or any other country. It’s losing because it’s bloated and rigid, which inflate US companies’ costs and make them lose business to lower-cost competitors...
by David Steven Jacoby | May 31, 2018 | Business
BSI is pleased to announce that we have expanded our Regulatory Impact Analysis service line to include reliable environmental and social impact assessments that improve the effectiveness of stakeholder Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) analysis and...
by David Steven Jacoby | May 23, 2018 | Business
BSI has recently expanded its offering to include services related to Private Equity, Debt & Project Financing, and Venture Capital. BSI’s new Portfolio Management and Financing services now include: M&A Advisory & Due Diligence Private Equity Services...
by David Steven Jacoby | May 17, 2018 | Business
As I point out via personal anecdotes in my book From Bogota to Beijing: Development and Life After Globalization, slavery, corruption, and double (and triple) labor standards are commonplace around the world today. However, there are standards and regulations in...
by David Steven Jacoby | May 16, 2018 | Business
As I pointed out in my recent book The High Cost of Low Prices, governments are paying closer attention to environmental side-effects of international supply chains. REACH and RoHS are among the most far-reaching and well-known of these regulations. Are your suppliers...
by David Steven Jacoby | May 7, 2018 | Business, Conferences
David Jacoby, President of BSI Energy Finance, will be speaking in Vienna on June 20th at the Electrify Europe conference and exhibition. Electrify Europe is the world’s first event dedicated to the convergence underway between the power generation and transmission...