GDPa Applications

Government Officials need GDP-a to set forward-looking policies.
- Clean Power Plan
- Green New Deal
- Small Business Program Funding
- Council on Environment, Energy & Water
- Etc.

Foreign Investment agencies need GDP-a to rate the impact of alternative investments.
- Industrial Strategy
- Technology Champions
- Investment Analysis
- Trade Policy
- Etc.

Multilateral Institutions need GDP-a forecasts to build consensus among disparate interests.
- Trade Agreements
- Energy Policies
- Cap and Trade Programs
- Carbon Offsets and Reduction Schemes
- Etc.

Government Agencies need GDP-a scenarios to craft impactful policies that promote jobs, social programs, and clean technologies.
- Research Grants (e.g,. DOE and DARPA)
- Wealth & Income Taxation Policies
- COVID-19 Relief Funding
- Job Retraining Programs
- Etc.

Politicians and Candidates for public office need GDP-a scenarios to develop positions and campaign platforms.
- Legislation on Gig Work (e.g., AB-5)
- Universal Basic Income
- Medicare for All
- College Tuition Reimbursement
- Etc.

Think Tanks need GDP-a to quantify benefits of public investments
- Infrastructure Projects
- Public Private Investments
- Energy Subsidies and Taxes
- Head Start
- Etc.